суббота, 28 июня 2014 г.

Goodreads Tab apk free download

Goodreads Tab

Books & Reference

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Goodreads Tab is a tablet optimized version of the popular Goodreads Droid app. It's a fully featured Android client for the social book website Goodreads.com.

You can browse your bookshelves, get updates from friends, search for new books, or find book reviews!

Use the built-in barcode scanner to quickly add books to your shelves!

Please direct any questions to Goodreads@hactar.com

Download .apk

Knowles would certainly be a lot of doc to discuss in the last 18 months, published a published a best-selling album , divided by her longtime manager. , and had a baby, Blue Ivy Carter with husband Jay - Z, among other notable events free Goodreads Tab 2.3.1 torrent download .

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