среда, 30 апреля 2014 г.

Tangera apk free download


Cards & Casino

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★ ★ ★ The #1 drinking game now on Android! ★ ★ ★

Do you ever wanted to play a drinking game with your friends but you were lacking a deck of cards?

This problem is now solved! With Tangera for Android.

- It features a beautiful deck of cards (thanks to http://ift.tt/1mLnOly) with either 32 or 52 cards.

- Play with your own rules or use the set of predefined ones

- Fast and smooth gameplay

- You will never have to buy or carry around a deck of cards

So grab some friends, some drinks and have fun!

Tags: Tangera, Kings, Circle of Death, Drinking, Game, Cards

Download .apk

Wahlberg, Kitsch & Foster up for the Navy SEAL Film ' Lone Survivor 'Relativity active duty Navy SEAL movie Act of Valor posted at the box office last weekend, the Americans prove still love war movies. Battleship director Peter Berg is certainly the hope that this is the case, because he's prepping a new Navy SEAL movie called Lone Survivor the memoir by the memoir by Marcus Luttrell. Now Deadline reports Berg investigated the four-member team that will drive the movie thrown, and along with the previously announced Taylor Kitsch, he now hopes Mark Wahlberg and Ben Foster will to strengthen its ranks download Tangera 1.0 apk free . Wahlberg would play Latrell, the only survivor after a will ambushed in Afghanistan.

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